Uncle Archibald Welcomes All That Come Upon His Land.........

The Green Green Grasses Of Home!

Welcome to the site that has it all...............home of the bold, the brave and the down right arse-holish. The home of your good and lets face it your only friend Uncle Archie, the gay and merry old gentleman. He wanders like an ant on hot tarmac searching for food before the dreaded magnifiying glass appears and burns him into dust. Anyway enjoy and marval at the splender that Uncle Archie has creaed.(this web site!) Now enjoy and look with your feet!

Listing Site Updates
Their are no site updates at this time, as we are in the process of building this website! Like a house it needs to be built strong and have a homely feel to it. (it also must have a toilet!)

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements
Nope nothing today, my eager eyed hawks with feathers of gold and eyes like diamonds glittering in the morning sun, now fly my pretties , fly away. We'll see you again some day!

Getting Rich Quick From My Site!
If you wanna be rich and living the high life then you should read to following statement outloud and then tap the heels of your Ruby slippers together.............you'll be back in Kanzas in no time atall!

I wanna be rich,
I wanna be rich,
So i promise to send,
yes i promise to send,
£1000 to Uncle A,
and hey i'll throw in everything i own!

Well now that thats over and done with my cronies will be round your place soon to kick the shit out of you, and kidnapp your goldfish and reposses all your stuff. (of which has any vaue to me atall!)
Mail me now bitch!

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page
Behind the scenes of my homepage is only this...........a small boy with a rat up his nose and a large rat with a boy up his nose!......................................................................Hey that ain't no boy, or a rat its Alice the cat with the mouldy eye!
I said mail me now, shit face

By Uncle Archibald and "friends"!