Photos of meaningless events...........

look below for the fright of your life.........or shite of your life depending on how frightened you get!

Oh dear mister Medd, you seem to have had a little "accident", ah well you can't win them all..............thats Uncle A's motto!

Good lord she's going to explode!
Don't worry shes like chocolate, she'll set again when we put her in the fridge!

Oh yeah, thats the kind of enthusiasm im talking about!
No its still not working, we can still see that darn face of yours!

Wow its a lesser spotted blue tit! (tut tut James!)

who ever put that sign there must some kind of comic genius, or just a complete idiot!
I'll save you, dun dun dun dun...........Super Squirrel, don't eat him lizzie!

Yep thats my motto always expect the unexpected!
Count the black dots................ahhhhh there are none there all white, its an optical illusion, mwwwah ha ha ha! it a Skull or a couple? cool ehhhh!
Stare at the dot in the middle then move your head towards and then away from the screen, the cirles should appear to move! COOL!!!!!!!